Sunday 29 July 2012

Our Journey to iPad learning ...

Well, we've taken the plunge! The extra money in this year's budget helped but the amount of work involved has been quite extensive. More than I thought it would be.

One of the things I'm trying to accomplish as well is documenting what is happening and why. Communicating this to all involved and giving them a voice. So a small blog seemed like a good idea. It's another one of those READY FIRE AIM strategies but I'm starting to get concerned that there might be too much firing and not enough aiming!

Anyway, to see where we are at have a look here: St Kevin's iPad Trial

Thursday 26 July 2012

Delivering 'e'PD ...

Today I had my first experimentation with delivering PD without being at the PLT meeting. Last night I prepared a wiki on our PD and then had staff access the wiki together for 10 min just to go through how to access and then they were left to complete the PD in their own time at any web enabled location by a set date. I grabbed the idea from the notion of flipped classrooms and thought that perhaps a better way was to prepare the content now and use the time together for discussion and exploring. It just developed from there.

The notion of developing ePD is attractive because it has a life beyond the time taken. Teachers are tired after school as well and to be able to complete the PD in their own time in the environment of their choice was appealing. There is still the collaborative aspect as their posts can be seen by all.

To see the wiki I created click here:

One of the issues I mulled over for a while was ... do I use a wiki or a blog to post this information? I decided on a wiki but I'm not sure if I chose right.

Below is brief rundown of blogs and wikis ... not quite as serious a discussion as it could be but some of the differences between each is presented.

For a more formal and dry comparison you could try this one presented by a New Zealand teacher.

Further Reading: